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Naked Nations – Tribe Hong Kong

  Almost leaving filmmaking behind after Utopians (2016), and then after Apostles (2022) and again after Bodyshop (2022), incessantly stubborn Scud ended up fulfilling his prophecy jokingly uttered to Osman Hung when he was casting him as the lead of Permanent Residence (2008): Naked Nations – Tribe Hong Kong is Scud’s tenth film leaving no …

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  The horny ghost of a young man traverses the globe, stalking and debating with his past lovers. Scud is interested in the overlap between tradition and modernity, and the ways of spirituality vis-à-vis technology. He uses clips from his previous works, mainly Thirty Years of Adonis (2017), to blur the ever-so-fragile line between documentary and fiction, …

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  Once again drawing from a very personal place, Scud’s eighth film Apostles does away with a certain kind of nostalgia. As in Voyage (2012), Utopians (2016) and Thirty Years of Adonis (2017), Apostles reaches into the deep and dark crevices of the human mind to reflect on the meaning and value of life by …

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  Venture with unparalleled grace, sadness and torment into the realms of desire, dreams and broken hearts in Scud’s Thirty Years of Adonis. A space where human emotions, both vulnerable and raw, are laid naked. Adonis, a young actor at the Beijing Opera dreaming of stardom and a love that transcends the oceans of time, leaves everything …

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  Love and Death meet again in Utopians. Hins, a dreamy student with a passion for literature and a thirst for a deeper understanding of life finds himself overwhelmed by Antonio and Swan, a charismatic teacher and his elegant assistant. Charmed by their love for art and wisdom, Hins plunges into the uncharted waters of spiritual learning and …

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A psychiatrist debating the link between his choice of profession and his mental state, gets on his boat and embarks on a voyage. Grappling with his own depression, he revisits encounters with former patients. His attempt at self-therapy becomes an anthology of short stories, where Yuan (exiled to Inner Mongolia under Mao’s Chinese re-education policy), …

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Love Actually…Sucks!

  Even if in Love Actually… Sucks! Scud interlaces stories of love and relationships, it becomes immediately apparent that this film bears no easy relationship to Richard Curtis’ 2003 film. As is made clear by the lashings of nudity and sex and a guy wandering along the coast, carrying his lover’s decapitated head. Inspired by six real-life …

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  Kafka is a fitness trainer, martial artist and delivery boy working multiple jobs to take care of his mother. His life has never been one where everything neatly falls into place: his father died by suicide when Kafka was young, and most recently, he broke up with his girlfriend. But perhaps meeting the charming …

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Permanent Residence

  Ivan, a handsome and brilliant IT guy, is coming to terms with his identity and sexuality in Scud’s sophomore feature, Permanent Residence. Ivan meets Windson at the gym, a man so beautiful and athletic he must be a fantasy. They strike a queer friendship, spending their time together, sparring, travelling, going to beaches and having …
