Kafka is a fitness trainer, martial artist and delivery boy working multiple jobs to take care of his mother. His life has never been one where everything neatly falls into place: his father died by suicide when Kafka was young, and most recently, he broke up with his girlfriend. But perhaps meeting the charming young executive Daniel will be the lucky charm that turns the tables.

Once more employing a cast of absurdly beautiful men in cleanly elegant spaces with a fierce, camp attitude, in Amphetamine Hong Kong artist provocateur Scud explores the possibilities of love between people who desperately need it, crave it, believe in it, but actually may not really be capable of it. Kafka and Daniel throw themselves into each other, in the hope of manifesting a love that will heal their wounds from lonesome pasts and free their doubtful minds. Instead, they risk becoming another more dangerous drug to one another.

One of Scud’s most affecting films, Amphetamine is inspired by a close friend who nearly lost his life, and is dedicated to people who find no reason to live other than the love they might find in others. But is this love a true love?