Scud came to filmmaking after working in IT, and his films, which are simply gorgeous, show his rigorous dedication to his craft. “I am devoted to my work, it is a lifetime passion, and it saved my life, and became my life,” he told me in a 2018 interview. That kind of commitment shows—Scud goes all in with his films, which are a labor of love. He designed books, posters, and even playing cards for his films as collectors’ items to keep the memory and imagery of his films alive. What is distinctive about his work is not just that his films are glossy productions that showcase gorgeous actors, but that every frame—in addition to being beautiful—is full of palpable emotions. His characters wear their hearts on their sleeves, as they grapple with unrequited love, and themes of trauma, addiction, and depression. His romantic dramas are engaging because his actors communicate their desires, longing, and heartbreak through their intimacy and intensity. I feel Scud approaches his life and work the same way, which is why he is so inspiring as a filmmaker.


-Gary Kramer